As cyber threats continue to evolve, implementing a robust ISM....
Privacy Trends: Key practical steps on ISO/IEC 27701:2019 implementation

In this session, we will go through ISO/IEC 27701 and ISO/IEC 27001 key practical implementation steps and how they can help you to be compliant with the GDPR.
Our presenters, Peter Geelen and Stefan Mathuvis, will guide you through the implementer tasks with practical hints and tips and show you how an auditor will look at your implementation, searching for evidence and compliance.
In addition, we will match the ISO/IEC 27(7)01 requirements to complete the GDPR obligations as far as possible.
Starting from executive management to privacy policies, handling notifications, setting up awareness programs, controlling user access requests, over vendor management to incident management (data breaches) and continuous updates.
The webinar covers:
- Quick recap on general ISO components and approach
- Implementing ISO/IEC 27001 with the ISO/IEC 27701 extension for GDPR compliance
- Do's and don’ts for implementation and audit
- The importance of evidence in the audit
- Managing audit expectations and the never ending audit cycle
Link of the recorded webinar on Youtube:
Slides of the webinar: