PECB Advises Candidates on the Importance of Using Official Study Materials When Preparing for the Exam

Featured News 2025-02-26

As PECB continues to expand its operations, the risk of intellectual property infringement has increased, posing potential threats to the integrity and security of certification exams. To uphold the credibility of our certification process, we remind all candidates to use only official PECB resources when preparing for exams.

Candidates should refer exclusively to the official PECB website for candidate handbooks and exam-related information, ensuring they have access to accurate and up-to-date materials. These resources can be found here: List of PECB Exams – PECB Help Center

PECB strongly discourages the use of unapproved third-party sources or unauthorized brain dump websites, as such materials do not provide adequate preparation and may lead to serious consequences. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Exam results being deemed invalid
  • Certification revocation

For more information on how PECB handles this process after it is reported, please check PECB Notice on Unauthorized Brain Dump Sites.

If you become aware of any unauthorized sources distributing exam content, please report them to

Protect the integrity of your certification—always use official PECB resources.